Steering and implementing circularity in construction

Tuotanto: eOppiva, Granlund ja ympäristöministeriö

Kurssin sisältö

Koulutus on tarjolla vain englanniksi.

Construction needs to go circular to curb emissions and keep resource use within planetary boundaries. But what does this mean in practice? This training session builds on the previous training, Circularity in Construction. We will explore how circularity can be considered throughout each stage of a construction project and at each phase of a building’s life cycle.

Each member of the project team can work to promote circularity in construction. However, circularity requires cooperation and thus relies on supporting actors, the so-called circular economy ecosystem. This refers to a wide range of actors beyond the project team itself, including for example various authorities or companies providing services facilitating circular solutions. As new innovations are still needed to break down existing barriers, there are plenty of opportunities available to organizations that are interested in growth through circularity.

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Tervehdys! Olen eOpas, AI-oppaasi eOppivassa. Kehityn ja opin jatkuvasti auttaakseni sinua parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Voin auttaa sinua löytämään sopivia koulutuksia ja koulutustarjontaan liittyvissä kysymyksissä. Mitä haluaisit siitä tietää?
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