Data Interoperability – Significance and Facilitators
Production: eOppiva and Ministry of Finance
Data Interoperability – Significance and Facilitators
Production: eOppiva and Ministry of Finance
Course description
Data interoperability is of enormous benefit to society as a whole, but it requires common rules, methods, resourcing and cooperation to be implemented.
Interoperability is a very broad concept. During this training, you will learn at a general level what data interoperability means and what the practical benefits of interoperability are. You will also learn how interoperability can be promoted in your own work and through cooperation. During this training, you will also learn about the promotion of interoperability through APIs.
The training is intended especially for those working in management and expert positions in public administration. The training is part of the implementation of the Ministry of Finance's information policy.
The experts in this training are Tanja Lahti, Nico Käräjäoja, Arvi Leino and Mika Honkanen.