Processing and protection of secret information

Production: eOppiva, Information Management Board and Information Management Board

Processing and protection of secret information

Production: eOppiva, Information Management Board and Information Management Board

Course description

This course discusses how secret information is processed in a secure and compliant manner. After the course, you will know what the obligation of secrecy and non-disclosure are, as well as the prohibition of exploitation.

This training will help you develop both your and your organisation’s competence. The course is intended for individuals who process secret information, and for upper managers who are responsible for providing instructions and training on secret information. The course is designed for both seasoned and new employees, regardless of their job description.

In addition to public administration organisations, this course is also beneficial for companies and other public administration stakeholders dealing with secret information.

The training is based on the Information Management Board’s recommendation on the handling of secret information.

The experts in this training are Tuula Seppo and Juha Kirves.