Julkri – Assess And Develop Information Security

Production: Digi- ja väestötietovirasto and eOppiva

Julkri – Assess And Develop Information Security

Production: Digi- ja väestötietovirasto and eOppiva

Course description

In this training, you will learn about Julkri, the assessment criteria for information security in public administration, and how you can use it to assess and verify the level of information security in any organisation.

With Julkri, an organisation can plan the security of their services correctly from the start and save time and money. This training will give you tips on how to use Julkri in your work.

This training is meant for people working in information security, and it also offers the management of an organisation knowledge on risk-based security management. The training is based on a recommendation of the Information Management Board and its related criteria, the Julkri assessment criteria for information security.

The experts in this course are Tuula Seppo and Juha Kirves.